Interesting quote from the Defense News article on the early warning radar system the US sent to Israel last week. [The radar will shave off several precious minutes of Israel's reaction time to an Iranian missile launch.]
This is the quote: A U.S. government source said the X-band deployment and other bilateral alliance-bolstering activities send [...]
Archive for September, 2008
US deploys radar, troops to Israel
Posted in Uncategorized, tagged Ehud Olmert, Iranian missile attack, Israel, Israel-Russia ties, Russia, Russia and Syria, Russian moves in the Middle East, U.S. European Command (EUCOM), US, US deploys radar, X-band radar on September 28, 2008 | Leave a Comment »
‘Israel can’t stop Iran alone’
Posted in Uncategorized, tagged Afghanistan, Angela Merkel, E3+3, EU, EU Middle East policy, Germany, IDF, Iran, Iran heroin problem, Iran nuclear program, Iraq, Israel, Israeli strike on Iran, NPT, Russia, security council sanctions, Tehran on September 26, 2008 | Leave a Comment »
EU diplomatic sources who specialize in the Middle East believe that Israel cannot stop the Iranian nuclear program on its own using military means.
Teheran has effective countermeasures against air strikes, and the sources do not see Israel committing ground forces to a battle in Iran, pointing to the American experience in Iraq on that score.
In [...]
Is China contaminated?
Posted in Uncategorized, tagged China contaminated milk, Chinese contaminated milk, Chinese milk, Chinese White Rabbit Creamy Candies, contaminated sweets China on September 24, 2008 | Leave a Comment »
What’s going on in China? First they had contaminated toys, then contaminated air, then contaminated pet food, then contaminated baby milk, and now contaminated sweets. Luckily Israel doesn’t import any foodstuffs from China.
NZ finds high melamine levels in Chinese sweets
WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) _ New Zealand’s Food Safety Authority has found the industrial chemical [...]
Blogging from Germany
Posted in Uncategorized on September 16, 2008 | 1 Comment »
Wrote this with Annette:
Our third day together started with a group massage. And on this note if you’d like to skip the rest of this blog and scroll down to the end, you will find more saucy details about the physical nature of day 3 of the Bertelsmann – Stiftung [pronounced Shhhhteeff – Toong] [...]
Does God want his particles found?
Posted in Uncategorized, tagged big bang, big bang machine, CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research, God particle, Higgs boson, Large Hadron Collider, Looking for God's particle, science and religion on September 10, 2008 | 7 Comments »
13.7 billion years and three hours since the initial big bang, just a few musings as I sit here in [very religious] Jerusalem, on the second big bang experiment in Switzerland underway today. I’m already hearing voices here calling the experiment ‘megalomania’ – that we’re getting too close to God’s secrets, and why would we [...]
Arab MK bolts Knesset studio over Fitna clip
Posted in Uncategorized, tagged Aryeh Eldad, Fitna, Geert Wilders, Knesset channel, Muslim, Taleb A-Sana on September 3, 2008 | Leave a Comment »
Arab MK Talab A-Sana just walked off the set of the Knesset Channel news studio after the presenter said the channel was going to show a clip from the contraversial Fitna film. A-Sana was taking part in a debate on live Knesset TV with right wing MK Aryeh Eldad about the film. As the debate [...]
News of a kidnapping
Posted in International Relations, Israel, Israel Defense Forces, Mossad, tagged counterterrorism, Hezbollah, Hizbullah, Hizbullah kidnapping, Imad Mughniyeh, Israelis kidnapped, Mossad, terror threats on September 2, 2008 | 1 Comment »
Experts believe Hizbullah is more interested in perpetrating a terror attack against Israeli and/or Jewish targets abroad than in kidnapping Israelis. Kidnapping people in a foreign country is the most complex of operations and one that does not yield the greatest results.
Abducting even just a handful of foreign nationals, getting them on a plane and [...]