
The fact that there are almost 100 internal probes into allegations of IDF misconduct during the last Gaza war shows three things: that there is concern some soldiers broke the law during their stay in the Strip; that mistakes may have been made during the fighting; and most importantly, that the army is taking all accusations leveled against it seriously.

Judge Advocate General Brig.-Gen. Avihai Mandelblit is not always a popular figure in the military, especially when he punishes soldiers who break the law while fighting Israel’s enemies in Gaza, Lebanon or the West Bank. For Mandelblit, there is no difference between routine security operations and full-fledged war, and no difference between Arabs and Jews. There is only the law.

From his third-floor office at IDF headquarters in Tel Aviv, Mandelblit represents the core of Israel’s defense against the legal onslaught by unfriendly countries and organizations across the world. While the shooting has stopped, Operation Cast Lead is not over yet – it has just moved to another front.


The UN’s Goldstone Commission is soon to present its findings on alleged Israeli “war crimes” in Gaza. Amnesty International has taken aim at IDF drones. The Red Cross is pounding away at the walls of “the Gaza prison,” while “Free Gaza Ships” try to reach its shores. Human Rights Watch is raising money in Saudi Arabia by painting Israel as a pariah state.

And it is not just in Spain, Britain and Belgium that lawyers and jurists are using legal means to attack Israel. Within Israel, too, Yesh Din, Gisha, Breaking the Silence and Rabbis for Human Rights (partly funded by European countries) are also chipping away at the IDF’s legitimacy.

The NGO approach is to take the sum total of Israeli operations during Cast Lead and paint the IDF as an immoral army that uses vastly disproportionate force. This approach doesn’t look at individual actions and assess them on their proportionality but rather puts all of the IDF’s actions together into one picture and argues that in the Gaza case, there were 1,400 people killed on the Palestinian side – mostly civilians, according to Palestinian figures vigorously disputed by Israel – while Israel lost 13 people in total, most of them soldiers in friendly-fire incidents.

The view in Israel is that this NGO approach produces a deeply distorted picture. The Israeli concern, furthermore, is that the aim of all these groups is to create deterrence against a future use of force by the IDF in Gaza and Lebanon.

It is no coincidence that Hizbullah is building a huge offensive array inside populated villages in southern Lebanon and that Syria has been beefing up its defenses inside its villages along the Golan Heights.

Away from the battlefields, there are hundreds of petitions, cases, legal opinions and pending actions against Israel cropping up in courts across the world. The phenomenon is wide and growing. It is driven by a lot of money and support from countries and people not friendly to Israel.

While Israel has been slow to array its forces on this battlefield, lately, there are signs that authorities here have now realized the scope of the problem and are starting to fight back.

Just as Israel invests in good weaponry, research and development, it is starting to invest in the tools to fight on this legal front and in the right people for the job. It is gearing up to ensure that military commanders can call on real-time dynamic legal advice on the ground.

And, just as important, every complaint and accusation leveled at the IDF from both inside and outside of Israel is increasingly recognized and must be thoroughly investigated. There is no need to be afraid of the truth, the army argues. Indeed, there is a strong belief within the military that every operation and attack during Cast Lead was limited to what is allowed. Millions of fliers were dropped, thousands of phone calls were made warning people to flee, and dozens of attacks were stopped because there was a chance civilians would be harmed.

If a soldier did commit a crime, he will pay for it, and it is best he pays for it here in Israel rather than abroad, runs the thinking, where he could be at the mercy of legal systems hijacked by political activists.

Mandelblit’s role has become crucial in this intensifying war. The world needs to see that the IDF is seriously investigating itself; this counters the detractors’ argument that the army cannot objectively investigate itself and, without outside oversight, would allow itself to get away with murder. As the cliché goes, justice needs not only to be done but also to be seen to be done.

For the people who draw up the battle plans in the IDF’s operations and planning branch, the moral imperative is sacrosanct. If this was not the case, it is argued, the army’s wars would last a few minutes at most. It is deemed crucial for the IDF to fight and win its wars within the boundaries of international law. For this reason, the Military Prosecutor’s unit has steadily increased its involvement across all levels of the army in an attempt to give commanders the tools they need to get the job done within the bounds of international humanitarian law.

Legal officers have been attached to commanders from the brigade levels and up since the end of the Second Lebanon War in 2006. There are more of them and they are getting much more involved. Legal officers are present when target banks are drawn up and when questions are asked about whether the target is purely military or dual purpose.

There are almost no top officers who are not now deeply aware of the legal implications of their actions. If this awareness has not yet filtered down through all units, as the near-100 allegations would suggest, then the IDF is determined to rectify this immediately. For while it is recognized that nobody outside will tolerate the army operating beyond the bounds of international humanitarian law, the IDF is insistent that nobody inside will tolerate any such breaches either.

A recent report by researcher Zvi Reich discovered that the average Israeli journalist relies on 2.5 sources for every story, as opposed to 3.5 by the average American reporter. Thirty years ago, a similar study showed that The New York Times and The Washington Post averaged some eight sources for a front-page story. The local media scene is in as much turmoil as America’s.

With Channel 10 on the verge of shutting down due to lack of finances, and the Israel Broadcasting Authority mired in stalled reforms and rock-bottom ratings, the models of both commercial and public news media seem to floundering. Ma’ariv is millions of shekels in debt, cutting costs, hemorrhaging staff and always on the verge of closing. Its two chief editors recently quit. A free daily closely allied with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has leapfrogged Ma’ariv and is now the second most read newspaper in the country. Ha’aretz has lost several of its leading reporters and editors in the past six months as management has cuts costs.

When he was here in 1993 on a Fulbright scholarship, Theodore Glasser, a professor of communications at Stanford University, found that Army Radio was the most credible news source in the country. It showed the government’s commitment to quality public broadcasting, he thought, and was a good example of how the state that thinks good journalism ought to exist can create conditions for good journalism.


To survive, let alone stay relevant, newspapers need to be viewed as essential public services, something a community cannot live without, like public libraries and schools, says Glasser. The Jerusalem Post sat down with him to speak about the future of media at a conference on the subject at the IDC Herzliya.

Glasser’s teaching and research focuses on media practices and performance, with emphasis on questions of press responsibility and accountability. He has held visiting appointments as a Senior Fulbright Scholar at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem; as the Wee Kim Wee Professor of Communication Studies at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; and at the University of Tampere, Finland. Despite the crisis facing journalism, he says, enrollment to journalism schools across the US has never been higher. The new crop of journalists defines the trade much more broadly than the older generation, and can work across multiple formats.

The stories we’re putting on our front page seem to me to be getting more and more important [Iran, the settlements and Jewish identity issues.] But at the same time I’m seeing that these things are becoming less and less important to a new generation of people.

Even if they’re not interesting, the stories still belong on the front page. That’s the power of the press, to gain the attention of the policymakers. And that requires publishing the story even if no one reads it. That’s what a good paper recognizes. There’s a balance between those kinds of stories and other kinds of stories that people read and want. But if you give up your front page, you give up your mission. Continue Reading »

Breaking The Silence, a small group of former Israeli soldiers on Wednesday embarked on an international campaign to show the world what it says are testimonies from soldiers pointing to immoral Israeli actions committed during Operation Cast Lead in Gaza earlier this year.

I’m not going to get into the report itself, which may be totally true, somewhat true, entirely false, who knows. It is undoubtedly an important report that is reverberating globally. Instead, a brief look behind the scenes into the way Breaking The Silence operated on this report.

It promised the exclusive to Haaretz, because it knows the report would have gotten prominence there. What it didn’t count on was Haaretz learning its lesson from its huge mistake last time it was given a report into alleged Israel Defense Forces human rights violations in Gaza. Last time Haaretz didn’t do its journalistic job and published unsubstantiated hearsay. This time Haaretz military reporter Amos Harel had the presence of mind to send the Breaking The Silence report to the IDF for response.

My military reporter, Yaakov Katz, was in the right place at the right time, and got hold of most of the report himself. Breaking The Silence tried to get Yaakov off the story because it didn’t fit into their strategy to have The Jerusalem Post take a critical look at their report. They promised Yaakov they would give him other stories in the future if he dropped this one for now. Katz refused, rightly so, and we published.

Several days before all this, Breaking The Silence gave out their report to a wide array of foreign media, and not to the IDF to probe into itself, with the caveat that they observe the embargo until after Haaretz published the report first. All of which shows their original intent was to get as much uncritical worldwide publicity for their report. Legitimate, sure. Fair? Not so sure.

Today marks the start of the 18th Maccabiah Games, the so-called Jewish Olympics held every four years in Israel. This year’s gathering has attracted some 8,000 Jewish athletes from more than 60 countries.

Sorry to rain on the (literal) parade, but somebody has to bring up the elephant in the stadium: While there is much to celebrate in the gathering here of young, talented, enthusiastic Maccabeans from around the world, the Maccabiah has become so expensive that there are hundreds, maybe even thousands of outstanding Jewish sportsmen and women who stayed home because they were priced out of the Jewish Games market. Continue Reading »

The defense establishment is concerned at intensifying legal campaigns in foreign courts that aim to deter Israel from using force against Hamas and Hizbullah.

Reeling from four damning reports in one week from human rights organizations about the IDF’s conduct in Operation Cast Lead, the sense among senior defense officials is that the “legal front” against Israel is growing at an alarming rate.

There is also a palpable urgency within the legal and defense establishments to thoroughly and professionally investigate allegations of war crimes against the IDF, not only because this has been standard practice, but also in an effort to ward off foreign lawsuits, investigations and arrest warrants against officers. Continue Reading »

Honored guests,

Citizens of Israel.

Peace has always been our people’s most ardent desire. Our prophets gave the world the vision of peace, we greet one another with wishes of peace, and our prayers conclude with the word peace.

We are gathered this evening in an institution named for two pioneers of peace, Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat, and we share in their vision.

Two and half months ago, I took the oath of office as the Prime Minister of Israel. I pledged to establish a national unity government – and I did. I believed and I still believe that unity was essential for us now more than ever as we face three immense challenges – the Iranian threat, the economic crisis, and the advancement of peace. Continue Reading »

At his speech at Bar Ilan University tonight Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu called for a demilitarized Palestinian state.

Here is a list of other countries without armies:

Andorra – Defended by France and Spain.

Costa Rica – A standing military is prohibited byt the constitution, however the National Guard has military units within it.

Haiti – Does not have an army but the rebels have demanded its reestablishment. The National Police maintains some military units.

Iceland – Iceland is defended by the US-manned Icelandic Defense Force

Kiribati – Defence assisted by Australia and New Zealand.

Liechtenstein – Defence and Foreign Affairs by Switzerland.

Monaco – Defence by France.

Nauru – Defence by Australia.

Palau – Defence by United States of America.

Panama – Panamanian National Police has military units with defence guaranteed by the United States by treaty.

San Marino – Defence by Italy

Vatican City – Defence by Italy, ceremonial Swiss Guard has some modern weapons but acts as a security police force.

Here is a more exhaustive list.

A link to my LiveTweet on Netanyahu’s speech


In May 2002 Netanyahu gave a speech to the Likud Central Committee. Half of the speech was devoted to the issue of a Palestinian state. You can read the whole speech here. I’m copying just the section that deals with the issue of a Palestinian state. It will be interesting to compare this speech with what Bibi says next Sunday.

“We are promising Palestinian terror the greatest prize of all – the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Today most of the Israeli public realizes that a Palestinian state under Arafat would be a bastion of terror directed at the destruction of the State of Israel. Continue Reading »

Some thoughts on the situation:

Bibi’s upcoming speech at Bar Ilan: Obama gave a big speech that almost everyone in the world loved. Obama’s Cairo University speech was seen live by hundreds of millions of people. How many people will watch Bibi live? Bibi is to deliver his speech at Bar Ilan University’s BESA Center in Ramat Gan. Bar Ilan University is the bastion of the center right, and Bibi should find an adoring audience there, just as Obama found in Cairo. Bibi will be tailoring his message to the Likud, Bar Ilan is closely associated with the Likud, with the moderate National Religious and secular Right. He wants to be interrupted by applause – when he says Israel wants peace with the Palestinians, but a peace that will not jeopardize Israeli security. He doesn’t want to be interrupted by catcalls from the Knesset plenum. In Bibi’s mind, if anyone can match Obama for rhetorical prowess, for delivery, it’s Bibi. All that’s necessary is a solid stage, a sturdy podium, good air conditioning [that he doesn't sweat], and a receptive audience [definitely not the Knesset]. In 2002 Netanyahu gave a speech to the Likud half of which was devoted to the issue of a Palestinian state. You can read it here. It will be interesting to compare that speech with what Bibi says next Sunday. Continue Reading »

Meet America’s first black female rabbi, Alysa Stanton.

CINCINNATI (AP) — Describing herself as the “new face of Judaism,” Alysa Stanton became the first black female rabbi in the country during an ordination in Cincinnati.


Stanton, of Blue Ash, was among 14 rabbis ordained Saturday at the Plum Street Temple. She will serve as rabbi of the predominantly white Congregation Bayt Shalom in Greenville, N.C., beginning this summer.

The Cincinnati Enquirer reported on its Web site that Stanton said her goals are to break down barriers, build bridges and provide hope.

A native of Cleveland, she studied at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, the oldest institution of higher Jewish education of Reform Judaism in the United States.

This is shocking:

The bad news is that this video is rising meteorically in the ranks on YouTube and blogs – so I can safely say this is officially “bad for the Jews”.

Ben Hartman of Haaretz has a thoughtful analysis of the scene:

“Not to excuse the behavior of those in the video, I don’t believe this idiocy reflects the values of young American Jews or their opinions on Obama, but rather the way that Israel, in particular Jerusalem, can radicalize the young to the left or the right. It also proves (once again), that fools and alcohol and camcorders do not make a good match.”

Remarks of President Barack Obama

A New Beginning

Cairo, Egypt

June 4, 2009

I am honored to be in the timeless city of Cairo, and to be hosted by two remarkable institutions. For over a thousand years, Al-Azhar has stood as a beacon of Islamic learning, and for over a century, Cairo University has been a source of Egypt’s advancement. Together, you represent the harmony between tradition and progress. I am grateful for your hospitality, and the hospitality of the people of Egypt. I am also proud to carry with me the goodwill of the American people, and a greeting of peace from Muslim communities in my country: assalaamu alaykum.

We meet at a time of tension between the United States and Muslims around the world – tension rooted in historical forces that go beyond any current policy debate. The relationship between Islam and the West includes centuries of co-existence and cooperation, but also conflict and religious wars. More recently, tension has been fed by colonialism that denied rights and opportunities to many Muslims, and a Cold War in which Muslim-majority countries were too often treated as proxies without regard to their own aspirations. Moreover, the sweeping change brought by modernity and globalization led many Muslims to view the West as hostile to the traditions of Islam. Continue Reading »

Maybe if they’d posted billboards showing Iranian missiles on parade with the headline: “Coming to your neighborhood soon. Do you know where your shelter is?” someone here would have paid attention to the siren. Maybe if IDF Homefront Command opened a shiny new store, placed naked mannequins wearing only gas masks behind its windows, and handed out flyers advertising a party-in-a-bomb shelter, it may have gotten people to ask directions to ‘the bomb shelter’. Had it said that the party in the shelter, to be held on Tuesday June 2 at 11:00 sharp, would be kicked off by a specially arranged nation-wide siren followed immediately by the internationally renowned DJ Kid Koala, the IDF would have passed the Sheinkin Street test. Continue Reading »

Here’s a video my intern Ben Spier took today at our offices during the Homefront Command drill [I'm not in it I was in Tel-Aviv today]

In about 12 hours from now a siren will sound signaling the high point of the nationwide Homefront Command war preparedness drill. At 11:00 Tuesday the sirens will go off across the country and civilians are supposed to take shelter in safe rooms, bomb shelters, building stairwells, or simply lie flat on the ground near their cars. And just like every previous time, tomorrow’s siren will find most Israelis without the faintest clue of what they’re supposed to do when the sirens go off. A very large number of people in coffee shops, restaurants and in the streets will simply stand to attention thinking the siren represents either Remembrance Day, Holocaust Day, or some other day they forgot was today. Others will run in panic searching for a safe room. Some motorists will stop on the highways, get out of their cars and bow their heads in respect. Some buses and cars will stop, others won’t, and hooting will drown out the sirens in many places. Haredim in Bnei Brak and Jerusalem won’t have a clue what’s going on because nobody has prepared them for any of this, they don’t watch TV, they don’t listen to Army or Israel Radio, and their closed-circuit Kosher Internet has no mention of the drill. And besides, the rabbis have promised no missiles will fall on their areas.

From a quick look at the Homefront Command’s English website, I’ve gathered together the following tips on how to behave during a rocket attack. The instructions however, leave a few open questions:

From Homefront Command:

If you are in a building when the siren sounds immediately enter the Residential Secure Space (MAMAD), and close the steel door.
Q: What if others didn’t make it in time? Do I open the steel door for them and thus risk exposure to rocket shrapnel? Surely they should have run faster, no?

If there is no MAMAD in the building, enter the room that is farthest from the direction from which the missile fire threat is coming,
Q: How do we find out which direction the missile is coming from? What if several countries or terrorist groups rocket us from different directions simultaneously? What room do we then choose? In any case, how do we figure out what direction are we facing at any given time? And what if we’re outside, say, walking the dog, and we hear a siren. How do we know a) which direction we’re facing? b) which direction the missile is coming from? c) what if the siren totally messes with the dog and he starts running in every direction? And d) what about those new missiles that can change direction in mid-flight that we’ve been hearing about lately? Are we to move around to a different room every time the missile zigs? Maybe IDF Homefront Command should give us all compasses or GPS devices. Wouldn’t it be great if we were given GPS machines so that we could track the route of the missiles from their point of origin in real time, AND we could also figure out which direction we’re facing so that we could dodge the rockets?

The Foreign Ministry is gradually placing more importance on diplomacy with Russia as the relationship with Washington undergoes a reformulation under the Obama administration.

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, in his trip to Moscow this week, will try to balance out Israel’s overriding reliance on American diplomatic, financial and military support by strengthening its ties to Russia.

The thinking is that while there is no replacing the importance of the strategic ties to Washington, Russia does have a constructive role to play – and since the Kremlin is seeking a renewed role in the region, now is a good time to discuss where Jerusalem and Moscow’s mutual interests lie. Continue Reading »

No longer a purely guerrilla organization, Hizbullah is engaged in a huge political battle that culminates in the June 7 elections. “The Party of God” is in the pro-Iranian and Syrian camp facing off against the Hariri camp supported by America, Saudi Arabia and France.

The assessment in Israel is that Hizbullah will win the election and put “acceptable faces” in the cabinet to consolidate its rule. This will be another political victory for the radical Muslim axis following Hamas’s victory in the 2007 Palestinian elections. Continue Reading »

Wrote this with Haviv Rettig Gur

The most important advice a communications and PR consultant can give a client is: Choose a message that works for you, and stick to that message.

So what would a communications consultant advise the Israeli government now? Would it be that on Iran, Israeli spokespeople should stick to the message formulated under Ariel Sharon, that “Iran is not only Israel’s problem, but rather a challenge for the entire world”? Or should the message be “Iran is seeking nuclear weapons to perpetrate a second Holocaust on the Jewish people”? Continue Reading »

It’s German-Israel time again, and I’m currently attending the Bertelsman Stiftung German-Israel Young Leaders Exchange Program Reunion 2009 at the Dead Sea.

How coincidental that, just a few days ago as I was arriving at the Latrun base near Jerusalem for my miluim [reserve duty] the IDF marching band was practicing the German national anthem, for a ceremony later that day in honor of some German military delegation.

One of the guys in my unit took this video, I believe it’s quite interesting:

Several of us, Jewish soldiers performing reserve military duty, stood amazed at what we were seeing and hearing: this is the Israeli army performing the German national anthem, quite surreal. I’m sure it’s been done many times before, and vice versa too, but for the 30 or so soldiers watching, it was the first time. I don’t know what all the others thought about it, but I felt it was a special moment.

Some of the younger soldiers at the base who were also looking at what was going on thought the band was playing the American anthem…

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