About: forecasthighs
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- Personal blog of Amir Mizroch, News Editor of The Jerusalem Post.
Posts by forecasthighs:
July 3, 2009 Israel worries over intense legal war
June 15, 2009 Full text of Netanyahu’s speech at Bar-Ilan
June 14, 2009 Netanyahu calls for a demilitarized Palestinian state
June 14, 2009 LiveTweet on Netanyahu’s speech
June 8, 2009 Netanyahu in 2002 on a Palestinian state
June 8, 2009 Bibi wants an Obama speech
June 7, 2009 Enlightened, progressive, good American Jews
June 7, 2009 Racist, ignorant, bad, bad, bad American Jews
June 4, 2009 Obama’s entire speech
June 2, 2009 The Sheinkin Street test
June 2, 2009 Video: Jerusalem Post staff enter bomb shelter
June 1, 2009 Eyeless in Givatayim
June 1, 2009 Israel warming to Russia as rift with America deepens
May 28, 2009 Hizbullah builds up its might
May 27, 2009 Who will speak for Israel?
May 9, 2009 IDF band plays German national anthem
April 28, 2009 The world according to Lieberman
April 26, 2009 Foreign Minister Avigdor and Prime Minister Lieberman
April 25, 2009 Lieberman wants new slogans
April 20, 2009 Bad day for Arab women
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Top Posts
- What's eating the Israeli driver?
- Goldstone: Israel's Eichmann trial pioneered universal jurisprudence
- Sderot's Facebook status: Angry
- Air Force Chief: Israel must prepare for space warfare
- Bibi's YouTube babes
- Jews lost and found, in India
- Drink tap water, trust me
- Bad day for Arab women
- Duet in Damascus
- Ghetto rising in Tel-Aviv
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